Dental laser Patients often ask questions about laser and treatment with laser, so here we give information about laser and its usage: Loser is a new technology which has so many benefits and help a lot to new treatment methods in medical science . It has been used in dentistry science , here is a summery about that: Almost all of the treatments which ...
Root treatment: Cause of toothache after endodontic therapy: It’s common to see patients who visit dentists after endodontic therapy for toothache, but for some patients toothache after endodontic therapy is not easy, cause patients visit the doctor because of ache and their expectation for removing ache after treatment is natural and patient’s right. Root canal therapy: Most of patients are pessimistic about endodontic therapy ...
Why we should keep the milk teeth? Nothing the importance of milk teeth these teeth has to be saved till their falling age arrived. What is fissure sealant which tooth is going to need it? There are usually depressions and deep subtle grooves on the back mouth’s teeth rodent surface (malar teeth) usually because of sticking most of decay-causing foods (e.g chocolate, cake, ...
Tartar: One of the most common issues in the dentistry is tartar. What can we do with tartars and what is a tartar generally? Why most of the people are not willing to clean tartars? What effects do tartars have? Is there any disadvantage on cleaning tartars action? To answer the questions that mentioned first we have to see how a tartar is created . Almost 10 ...
Gingivoplasy Tartars can be created under and on the gums, the tartars that are on the gum usually remove by cleaning but there is a need for gingivoplasty for removing the tartars under the gum. In most of the cases the first visit cannot distinguish that patient needs gingivoplasty. Cleaning the tartars usually takes 1-2 sessions and the patient would be out ...
Prosthesis Prosthesis is a toowhich replaced instead of the lost part of the body like fake hand and leg. There is a need for something to be replaced while loosing one or more teeth. Dental prosthesis is tools which replace for lost teeth and it is essential to have the information about it: Prothesises are 3 groups: Fixed partial denture (bridge) Partial denture Complete prosthesis Fixed ...
Dental hygiene There is a need to explain more professional about dental hygiene and also about tooth's decay and causes and points that decay happens because of its importance. A good hygiene is good caring of teeth by using tooth brush and dental floss. Decay would shows in 3 point with the order below: The rodent level exist in grinders which have thin but ...
The best way for whitening teeth: Most of the times we see people who have a beautiful appearance but we change our mind when that get close to us and start talking and their teeth show. Yellow and unformed teeth make age goes up and face seems sick though white and in a good shape shining teeth, can attract every one’s ...
Orthodontic is a branch of dentistry designed for cosmetic needs and therapy for patients who their teeth location faces problems (e.g jaw is being tiny or big , the condition of jaw being front or back , teeth being front , the extra tooth , the distance between teeth , teeth do not match well or being olio) in any ...
A toothbrush which is a dental floss. Since toothbrush cannot clean the distance between teeth that area is one of most common decay areas. For cleaning the rest of foodstuff and removing microbe plates between tooth plus the dental floss using interdental toothbrush is necessary. using interdental toothbrush is recommended for daily using cleaning exact dental bridges , orthodontic wires and ...
Attentions after implant’s surgery: Clear visitors: please do the point: below after the surgery. Use calmative drug right after surgery and before the local torpidity gone in order to have no ache feeling while torpidity drug’s effect gone. To stop bleeding , press the sterile gauze an hour on the area which surgery is done on that, try not to change gauze. ...
The usage of laminate in repairing and reforming tooth crest. Form and beauty of teeth depends on the way of hygiene and care and genetics. Initial tooth difficulty is not assisting to mouth and tooth hygiene or accidents and little hits like cracking or breaking can change beauty and tooth form and had a negative effect on talking and even a ...
Dental implants What are dental implants? Implant is a metal twist which can replace with the natural tooth. It made by titanium which Is completely match with body texture and the bones around and become a part of body. In medical science titanium is used for replacement any part of body members. Does the dental implant cost too much? Because of using high technology ...
What is laser? The "laser" word is summarized form of "light amplification stimulated emission of radiation". A powered light which is in the form of a very narrow parallel rays radiated by specific wavelength. This powered light provides a kind of energy that has several usage in medical science. laser effect is directly and indirectly by water molecule because of its ...
Dental laser Patients often ask questions about laser and treatment with laser, so here we give information about laser and its ...
Root treatment: Cause of toothache after endodontic therapy: It’s common to see patients who visit dentists after endodontic therapy for toothache, but ...
Why we should keep the milk teeth? Nothing the importance of milk teeth these teeth has to be saved till their ...
Tartar: One of the most common issues in the dentistry is tartar. What can we do with tartars and what is a ...
Gingivoplasy Tartars can be created under and on the gums, the tartars that are on the gum usually remove by cleaning ...
Prosthesis Prosthesis is a toowhich replaced instead of the lost part of the body like fake hand and leg. There is ...