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saeideh_baghery@yahoo.com 986133920780-82+ Wednesday 12 March 2025

Dental hygiene

Dental hygiene

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There is a need to explain more professional about dental hygiene and also about tooth’s decay and causes and points that decay happens because of its importance.

A good hygiene is good caring of teeth by using tooth brush and dental floss.

Decay would shows in 3 point with the order below:

The rodent level exist in grinders which have thin but deep grooves that becomes a comfortable environment for microbes because of the lake of extending toothbrush, so teeth in these areas decay earlier and it matters more about the first grinder which grows in 6.

Second area is interval teeth or in the other word it is around the contact area between teeth, this area would cause decay because it is not cleanable by toothbrush that often the decoy have seen from age 20 and more, for cleaning these areas dental threads should be used.

Third area is the connecting place between gum and tooth which become more sensitive in order to cleaning teeth wrong and even sometimes we have to repair tooth in this areas for excessive sensitiveness. It’s frequently hear that people use gargling diluted water and salt instead of toothbrush.

Kinds of dental floss: waxed dental floss and not waxed dental floss that have no difference in their application and effect.

Kinds of mouthwash: mouthwash chloroethyl hgzydyn that cause decrease in gum disease must not use more than 2 weeks daily for make the teeth change their color.

Fluoride mouthwash: decrease decay and self repair decays that are in the initial levels.

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