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saeideh_baghery@yahoo.com 986133920780-82+ Wednesday 19 February 2025

Attentions after implant’s surgery

Attentions after implant’s surgery:

weterg ew3wr

Clear visitors: please do the point: below after the surgery.

  • Use calmative drug right after surgery and before the local torpidity gone in order to have no ache feeling while torpidity drug’s effect gone.
  • To stop bleeding , press the sterile gauze an hour on the area which surgery is done on that, try not to change gauze. Changing gauze frequently may take apart the blood clot and bleeding increase on the area.
  • Keep the area cold with ice at the first 12 hours to prevent the swelling on the area , swelling can open the stitches and increase the possibility of aching after surgery.
  • Do not wash your mouth at the first hours after surgery.
  • Do not spit out your saliva just if you need to do that send it out of your mouth slowly.
  • Do not drink and eat hot food 24 hours after surgery use light and soft foods (e.g cold soup , yogurt , milk, ice cream) and avoid chewing by side which has been under the surgery until 1 week.
  • Avoid using foods filled with spices or sour juice, these kinds of food can stimulate the area and cause pain. While drinking use glass and avoid drinking with pipe , it increase the of opening stitches.
  • It is common to have leakage of the transparent blood until 24 hours, sucking ice or cold drinks slowly helps to stop leakage , try to put your head upper than your body with putting 2 pillow on each other , all the mentioned top help you decrease leakage , if leakage continued contact us.
  • Be careful not to open stitches while using toothbrush all of the teeth (except the area which has been under the surgery) and tongue have to be completely clean with toothbrush this action help your scare recovery done faster and infection probability decrease on that area.
  • If you have ordered to use color hegzydin mouthwash toothbrush first then gargle the mouthwash 30 seconds and send it out, after using mouthwash do not wash your mouth and avoid eating or drinking to mouthwash doesn’t loose its disinfect use.
  • If mouth wash tastes bad for you can dilute it by some water , for this action use the mouthwash door as a measure and full it half mouthwash half water then use it.
  • Continue using mouthwash until you have stitches on your mouth or till the time your expert ordered this mouthwash to prevent infection after the surgery and there is no need to use it permanently.
  • Please use your ordered drugs under your expert’s supervising and avoid using them by your own idea.
  • At the first 24 hours do not use alcoholic drinks or smoke cigarette and it is better to continue this till your stitches are in your mouth , this materials slow down or stop recovering process. You can also use this time as and opportunity to leave this harmful hobby.
  • if the assimilated stitch did not use for you visit 7-10 days later to sending your stitches out.
  • After opening stitches , start using toothbrush and dental floss like the way that you have been thought the session before surgery . It’s better to use toothbrush by that date to B days slowly and in the right way. Then use toothbrush easily and with normal pressure on the gum’s edge, removing the microbe plaques that is the main cause of gum’s illness is necessary after treatment , this will done only by using toothbrush and dental floss in the right way. Every shortcoming on this action delay recovery and disorders on the complete improvement.
  • In cases that installing implants and bone grafting is at the same time , for preventing the surgery area to open , it is better to take action for sending stitches out after 2 weeks.
  • To control and supervising the surgery area and implant(s) you have periodic visits . it is offered to follow the schedule to get better treatment results.
  • awdk;l